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Fo same as foce sparse data nonmem

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See Covariance on Wikipedia covariates Measured or observed quantities that are read in from the input data file. covariance matrix A measure of spread for multiple random variables that may be correlated.

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(Definition from ), also see Clearance on Wikipedia Compartment Diagram A graphical visualisation of the compartment model, using nodes for compartments and edges for flows between compartments confidence intervals Ranges in which we can be X% confident that a parameter lies. clearance The volume of the fluid presented to the eliminating organ (extractor) that is effectively completely cleared of drug per unit time. C++ C++ is a low level programming language which is automatically used by PoPy for some time critical operations C++ on Wikipedia categorical covariates Covariates that indicates membership in one of a set of unordered categories, such as race.

fo same as foce sparse data nonmem

bobyqa optimisation BOBYQA= Bounded Optimisation by Quadratic Approximation, a none derivative based optimisation method used by ND method. See Akaike information criterion on Wikipedia basin of convergence A set of initial points that lead to the same local minimum under a given iterative algorithm. Glossary ¶ Akaike information criterion A method of comparing two similar models by penalising models with a larger number of parameters.

Fo same as foce sparse data nonmem